Just as all human spheres are prone to attacks, it is advised to stay safe while trading or investing in Cryptocurrencies. Here are a few tips to guide your journey:
- Always Buy/Sell on trusted exchanges like www.nairaex.com.
- Avoid big bonus claims from platforms/individuals offering questionable returns.
- On social media, only listen to verified accounts with sound knowledge of the Cryptocurrency subject.
- Keep your coins secure and wallet passwords private.
- While logging in on any Cryptocurrency web platform, be sure to enter the correct URL. For example, Blockchain.com is different from Blokchain.com (See letter ‘C’ was omitted in the second.
- Avoid unsolicited emails and links sent to you by unverified or unknown parties; they are most likely phishing attempts.
- Avoid the get-rich-quick mentality.
- Never buy Shit coins.
Always DYOR. Do Your Research.
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